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Hello Australia, Hello Adelaide

That's right folks, we are back in our comfort zone. We are a little sad to see the end of our great adventure but still happy to be back.

I will still continue updating the blog with back dated entries so don't give up on it yet and of course there are photos to put in old posts as well.

I am back at work and have a desk full of things to do, a fair bit of discussing the trip will probably happen over the next week but that will settle soon enough and things will drift back to normal, well nearly normal. A trip like that will always leave a residue of experiences and memories that will alter the way our familiar surroundings are perceived.

This is not a bad thing and is why people are always encouraged to travel as "it broadens the mind". True, but only if you allow it. You have to at least dip your toes into life of the local culture and attempt to communicate with those you meet. "This isn't Kansas anymore" so don't expect it to be. Embrace the differences or you will have a very different experience and probably won't have a mind broadening experience.

We saw many people (mostly from the same countries) who stayed within their own safe little groups and complained that "they don't do things like at home" or "this isn't like home". Funny that, it isn't home. If you want it to be the same as home then stay home, Travel isn't for you.

Much more to come, I have posted three more today counting this one so go find them and have fun, like we did.

Look out World, Here we Come

At last the day has arrived and Brent and Margaret are off O/S to visit Matt, who we haven't seen since last Sunday. What? Yes, that's right, the tricky devil arrived back in Adelaide for his sisters 25th birthday bash without telling anyone - well, not many people anyway. Anyway, the trip has been in the planning for some time and we are going.

<  May 2017  >
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